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Sen. Cruz Slams Biden Admin’s Return to Catch and Release

Sen. Cruz Slams Biden Admin’s Return to Catch and Release

28 News 02/13/2021 1358

WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) today issued the following statement slamming the Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) announced a return to the failed immigration policy of catch and release:

On top of a devastating pandemic that has wreaked havoc on the economy, shuttered small businesses, and left millions of Americans unemployed, we still have a humanitarian and security crisis at our southern border. Effectively returning to catch and release – as the Biden administration announced today – could very well result in the release of COVID positive persons into the U.S., which will exacerbate the dual border and public health crises by making Texas border communities less safe and further straining local resources. It’s long past time for Congress to recognize the reality of our broken immigration system and put U.S. national security and the American people first.

On Thursday, Sen. Cruz and 11 of his colleagues sent a letter urging President Biden to reassess and reverse his executive actions on immigration, which have led to increased illegal border crossings by unvetted and unvaccinated aliens. In January, Sen. Cruz called on his colleagues to oppose DHS Secretary Mayorkas’ confirmation.

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