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White House's New Journalism Policy

White House's New Journalism Policy

28 News 05/12/2021 2147

White House reporters are ​outraged over a policy that requires them to submit quotes from interviews with President Selected Biden's administration officials to the communications team for approval, editing, or veto, according to a report on Tuesday.

The White House is demanding that reporters who conduct interviews with administration officials do so under conditions known as "background with ​quote approval". The information from the interview can be used in a story, but for a reporter to be able to attach a name to the quote, ​the reporter must transcribe the comments and send them to the communications team.

At that point, the White House can approve them, edit them or veto their use.

"So instead of transparency, suddenly, the White House realized: 'Hey, this quote approval thing is a cool thing. We can now control what is in their stories by refusing to allow them to use anything without our approval.' And it's a pernicious, insidious, awful practice that reporters should resist​," said New York Times reporter Peter Bake.

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