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Texas House Moves SB 13 to 3rd Reading

Texas House Moves SB 13 to 3rd Reading

28 News 05/04/2021 2123

WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) yesterday congratulated the Texas House for taking action on SB 13.

"I applaud Texas legislators today for taking a strong stand against woke corporations and putting Main Street over Wall Street. In the past few years, we've seen a dangerous shift in America. Powerful CEOs have made the decision to use their companies to enforce the political agenda of today's Democratic Party, which is controlled by the radical Left.

"Big Business isn't just wielding its power to stop Republican voting rights bills in Georgia and Texas, they're also trying to punish the oil and gas industry to toe the Left's line on climate change.

"SB 13 would protect Texas jobs against the woke mob and I am particularly thankful to the bill sponsors, Sen. Brian Birdwell and Rep. Phil King, for their leadership. As they have said, ‘If you boycott Texas energy, Texas will boycott you.'

"For too long, Republicans have turned a blind eye to corporate America's pandering to the Left. No more. Texas isn't going to sit back and allow Wall Street and Big Business to destroy the "American energy industry and millions of jobs across Texas and the nation with it. There are 9,000 independent oil and gas companies in the United States that support 4.5 million jobs. In Texas, tax revenue from the oil and natural gas sector totaled $14 billion in state and local taxes as well as state royalties in 2020, helping fund our roads and schools. And for Big Business to discriminate against the fossil fuel industry in the name of climate change is ridiculous - the United States has led the world in emissions reductions.

"Big Business needs to leave politics aside and do their jobs. In Texas, we're going to make sure that happens."

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