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You see it every day in the mainstream media, journalists are being maligned, insulted, and diminished, and for most of them, because of their one-sidedness &/or agenda (CNN, Buzzfeed, MSNBC, Washington Post, Huffington Post, etc.), rightfully so. But there are many that don't deserve it. We may be conservative, but we're not agenda-driven and report on all sides and all issues.

28 News aggressively works to bring hard truths and the powerful to account, ensuring all Texans are informed. We live in a complex, busy world and need the work of true journalists more than ever, but we can’t do it without your help. When you support 28 News, you support those fighting for the First Amendment.

Why your support matters

Unlike many news organizations, we continue to keep our journalism open to our global audience. We have not put up a paywall as we believe everyone deserves access to quality journalism, at a time when factual, honest reporting is critical.

Our journalism is editorially independent, meaning we set our own agenda. No one edits our editor and no one steers our opinion. We are free from commercial bias and are not influenced by billionaire owners, politicians, or shareholders. This independence matters because it enables us to challenge the powerful, and hold them accountable.

Become a 28 News Network supporter

We believe that good journalism isn’t only about reporting on problems, it’s about uncovering progress and possibility too.

If you like the articles you're reading, consider joining us as a supporter. Good journalism has a cost and media organizations like us are having to rethink how they are funded in the digital age. Your contribution will support our journalism and help to secure our future. Join our community of people who are changing the news for good.

Make a Contribution

We chose a model that means our journalism is open to everyone, funded by our readers. This support safeguards our essential editorial independence, emboldening us to challenge the powerful and shed light where others won’t.

Our open, independent journalism has been supported by generous readers like you – but we must keep building on this for the years to come. Every contribution, whether big or small, means we can keep bringing the issues of our great state to all Texans. And it only takes a minute.

Please consider supporting us monthly by subscribing to 28 News on SubscribeStar or through a one-time donation using CashApp.

Contributions terms and conditions

The terms below apply to any financial contributions you choose to make to 28 News Network ("28 News") to support its operations. Please note that contributions are not charitable and will not be eligible for any form of tax relief.

  • Eligibility
    28 News currently accepts contributions from:
    • individuals who are aged 18+ and resident in the USA; and
    • US- resident companies.
  • Conditions
    Contributions are provided to 28 News as an irrevocable gift. 28 News does not provide any rights or benefits to contributors.
  • 28 News’s rights
    • 28 News may ask such questions as it sees fit before accepting a contribution. Failure to provide any information requested may result in your contribution being rejected.
    • 28 News may reject a contribution at its absolute discretion. In such circumstances, 28 News will refund the contribution to the account from which it was received. 28 News is not obliged to give reasons or enter into correspondence concerning such a rejection.
    • Upon acceptance of your contribution, 28 News will be legally and beneficially entitled to use the full amount for 28 News Network's operations.
  • Recurring contributions​
    Recurring contributions will continue indefinitely. However, you or 28 News may cancel a recurring contribution at any time. If you wish to do this, please visit our Patreon page or contact customer services.
  • Liability​
    28 News will not be liable for any loss you may suffer in connection with a contribution, whether direct or indirect, including loss of revenue, loss of profits, loss of business, or anticipated savings, loss of goodwill, loss of data, and whether caused by tort (including negligence), breach of contract or otherwise, except in respect of any liability which cannot be excluded or limited by law.

These terms are governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the United States. You accept the exclusive jurisdiction of the American courts in relation to any dispute that may arise in connection with these terms.

  • Updates
    28 News may update these terms at any time and will notify any recurring contributors accordingly. If you do not wish to continue contributing, you may cancel by visiting our Patreon page or contacting customer services.