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Matthew McConaughey, potential Texas Governor?

Matthew McConaughey, potential Texas Governor?

28 News 09/23/2021 1601

Following reports that Matthew McConaughey is leading Greg Abbott and Beto O’Rourke as a hypothetical candidate in the polls for Texas governor, though despite not yet giving an indication whether he will run for public office.

The star said "I’m measuring it," and "Look, it's going to be in some capacity... I just, I'm more a folksy and philosopher-poet statesman than I am a, per se, definitive politician. So I go, well that's a reason not to, but then I go, no, that's exactly why you should. Because politics needs redefinition, but I'm measuring 'what is my category? What's my embassy?'"

Although McConaughey, 51, doesn’t appear to hold any party affiliation, the actor said he likely won't ever make a total pivot to politics as he is still an artist at heart.

"I have to remain an artist. I've earned my right to enjoy that Saturday night part of life, that music part of life," he said. "It has to have music to it. I'm very good at being diligent, Monday morning, practical, structure, I'm all of that. But I've got to continue to be an artist."

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