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Biden Admin Blocks Ted Cruz at Migrant Facility

Biden Admin Blocks Ted Cruz at Migrant Facility

28 News 03/29/2021 1542

Senator Ted Cruz has released a video he says shows a Biden administration staffer clashing with him at a border facility and trying to prevent him from filming – telling the Republican "this is not a zoo, sir".

Senator Cruz said the facility he filmed in Donna, Texas, was a "giant tent city".

He and eighteen of his colleagues visited the border to see for themselves the unfolding humanitarian crisis.

"We went and toured the Biden cages, you know for four years we heard Democrats and the media talking about kids in cages under President Trump, Joe Biden has built more cages, the cages are bigger and they're more full," he said.

In the video Senator Cruz shared, the staffer quickly jumped in the frame after he began filming.

"Please give dignity to the people," the staffer said.

"So you work for the commissioner, you're a senior adviser, you were hired two weeks ago and you're instructed to ask us to not have any pictures taken here because the political leadership at DHS does not want the American people to know it," Senator Cruz said.

"Please respect the rules," the staffer said.

"You keep standing in front of the picture, so you don't want the pictures taken, the rules are arbitrary, and they're designed to keep the American people in the dark," Senator Cruz said.

Senator Cruz told Fox News the children in the Donna facility were testing positive for COVID-19 at "roughly" a 10 percent rate.

"They're locking them in these cages where COVID in a pandemic is a real risk, it is inhumane, it is unconscionable, and it's the direct result of the political decisions that Joe Biden has made," he said.

"It's massive, it's designed to hold a thousand people but under COVID restrictions, its capacity is 250.

"It right now has over 4,000 people in it, it is at a 1,500 percent capacity and that meant you saw in these cages children, little boys and little girls, side by side, they're not six-feet apart, they're not even six inches apart."

Watch the video below. Source: Sky News Australia

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