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Biden Needs to be Back in the Basement

Biden Needs to be Back in the Basement

28 News 10/03/2021 1491

Joe Biden's handlers need to find a basement for him, and there's no time to waste. Things went off the rails Friday after he appeared on Capitol Hill and effectively blew up negotiations within his own party. How he did it, no-one knows, but Biden managed to undercut both Nancy Pelosi and Joe Manchin — despite those two being on opposite ends of the reconciliation issue. Truly, Biden has a world-class talent for screwing things up.

After his excursion, when he was pressed on his ineptitude, he managed to joke about the various crises that have engulfed the nation over the last two months. You know, because a collapsing nation is funny or something. He couldn't be more tone-deaf if he tried.

First, why is this man going back to Delaware again so soon? Does he not have actual duties as president to attend to? What exactly do we pay him for? The country is in the midst of its most chaotic period in over a decade, from the Afghanistan disaster to the border crisis to COVID-19, and Biden keeps running away to do what exactly? It's highly suspicious at this point that he has to leave the White House so often.

If anyone has had the time to rally support for his agenda, it's Joe Biden himself. The man quite literally has nothing else to do, or at least he's incapable of doing anything else.

His brief return to the spotlight over the last few days has only highlighted how much better off the country is if he's not seen nor heard from. When he's not blowing things up domestically, he's diminishing this country's standing on the world stage. Our enemies look at Biden and laugh, knowing they can push him far further than they could push Donald Trump. These are the costs of having a president who isn't really the president, so find the nearest basement and lock him in it. At least that might limit some of his damage.

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