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CBP 178,622 Illegal Migrants Apprehended

CBP 178,622 Illegal Migrants Apprehended

28 News 05/15/2021 1372

The number of illegal migrants arriving at the Southern Border has increased to nearly 180,000 in the month of April.

According to the CBP's most recent data they've apprehended 178,622 illegal migrants at the U.S. Mexico border which is about 161,000 more migrants than were apprehended in the same month last year.

However, officials say that the number of unaccompanied minors has gone down slightly to around 17,000 which is down from nearly 19,000 in March but is still well above the previous high of 11,475 reported in May 2019.

The numbers offer the latest read on one of the most serious challenges to Joe Biden’s young presidency with elected officials on both sides of the aisle criticizing Biden for what they call the crisis at the southern border.

Biden faced more criticism this week after 5 young girls, all under the age of 7 were found alone and abandoned outside of a ranch located in Texas.

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