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Vet All Afghan Refugees Before Release Into US

Vet All Afghan Refugees Before Release Into US

28 News 09/01/2021 1713

WASHINGTON - President Joe Biden is facing criticism from both sides of the aisle over the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Afghanistan as the August 31 deadline looms near.

"This was a withdrawal agreement that was set in place by President Trump when he signed the Doha agreement. He negotiated only with the Taliban, he did not include the Afghanistan government also," said Texas Congressman Henry Cuellar to The National Desk's Jan Jeffcoat. "But when President Biden inherited this process, in my opinion, I think in the opinion of a lot of my colleagues, he should have handled this exit a lot better."

Rep. Cuellar said that instead of setting a timetable for leaving, American citizens and allies should have instead been removed first.

"What we saw was a sea of humanity around the commercial airport it just created a situation that somebody could have been killed, and unfortunately we had people that were killed, including 13 of our servicemen," said Rep. Cuellar.

Texas Senator Ted Cruz last toured Fort Bliss last week, where some Afghan refugees are currently being housed.

"I'm very concerned that the Biden administration is bringing tens of thousands of refugees into the United States without thoroughly vetting," said Senator Cruz.

Rep. Cuellar is also emphasizing the need for proper vetting for Afghan refugees entering the U.S.

"All I ask is that Fort Bliss, they do not let go of anybody into the U.S. to our territories without double making sure that everybody is vetted," said Rep. Cuellar. "It's interesting that we're just seeing this sea of humanity either from Afghanistan or from Central America coming to our military bases."

20-year-old Marine David Lee Espinoza of Laredo, Texas, was one of the 13 U.S. service members killed in terror attacks in Kabul last week.

"I had an opportunity to talk to his mother, and it was very difficult," said Rep. Henry Cuellar. "Not only do I feel for this family, but all of the other families who have lost their soldiers."

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